Cheers to 2022 from Danbury Senior Living!
Happy 106th
Happy 106th birthday to Danbury Senior Living resident Viola Liptok. Viola turned 106 years old on Dec. 6!
ROPE Winners
Join us in Congratulating Danbury North Ridgeville’s most recent ROPE Award WINNERS, Cindy and Shawna!!
These two lovely ladies are in our Environmental Services Department, helping clean and attend the needs of our residents. We know we can always count on them, making sure our community is clean! They are so hardworking and show people what a strong team should look like!
Thank YOU Cindy and Shawna for all you do for our staff and residents! It’s people like you, that make working and living at Danbury, a remarkable experience.
ROPE (Recognition of Performance Excellence) recognizes an employee who exemplifies a true commitment to their career and exemplifies our Danbury community values.