Did you know North Ridgeville is the skunk capital of the world?
Well, not really. But one day of the year it is!
That day this year was last Saturday, Sept. 9, when South Central Park played host the to the 21st annual Skunk Fest!
Folks, as many as a thousand, attend this event to see all manner of skunk. There were short ones, tall ones, black and white ones and even albino ones. There was even a ferret in there! One thing they all had in common – all were de-scented and serve as pets. Are they cute? Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, especially when it comes to ‘ole one eye!
Vendors were on hand as were food stations and there was even a raffle – all proceeds to benefit Skunk Haven, an organization started years ago by Deborah Cipriani and Cathy Dalgleish to care for domesticated skunks. The two have 40 combined years of experience caring for skunks. Both have made helping skunks live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Their life-long mission is helping any skunk owner in need of assistance with their pet. That assistance can be in the form of answering questions on diet, health or behavioral issues; as new, or even seasoned skunk parents, deal with parenting questions. SkunkHaven is available to help 24/7/365.
- Did you know skunks make good pets? Learn more ar skunkhaven.net
In addition, these gals welcome any veterinarian to contact them to help their skunk patient(s). Over the years, SkunkHaven has worked with their veterinarians to collect data on health statistics and blood norms that have been instrumental in saving the lives of many skunks throughout the years. This database continues to evolve as they collect more data.
SkunkHaven is a sanctuary for pet skunks. There have been numerous occasions when SkunkHaven has been asked to take in the pet skunk of a person who has fallen ill or of a family member who has passed away. Skunks in this situation are brought to SkunkHaven to live a quiet, peaceful life in a home where they will be cared for and loved.
Visit Skunkhaven.net to learn more.