Monthly thoughts from Councilwoman at Large Georgia Awig
It is January 2025. I am willing to bet that before the end of 2024, you were trying to think of what resolutions you could make for the new year.
A resolution can be defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. Trying to change oneself can be so challenging when you have learned various habits over a lifetime. How about if one decides to be true to oneself and have integrity which can be defined as being honest and having strong moral principles. Do you have integrity and refuse to change your values no matter what is happening around you? Do you do the right thing for the right reason? Do you think before you act?
Fundamental values of integrity include honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Some of the ways, you can show these traits is by expressing appreciation when other people help you, being honest with yourself and others, taking responsibility for your actions, showing respect for yourself and others, helping those in need, and being patient and flexible when unexpected obstacles occur.
It is my goal this year to show integrity in everything I do and say. I have always been pretty good at doing that but this year, I am going to make sure that I am intentional about all my actions and comments. Can you join me in doing the same so everyone says you have integrity beyond a doubt?